Camp Lee!

To further update my pathetic blogging, I will share my experiences at Camp Lee Canyon. This is actually quite a cool deal; an arts camp in the mountains of nevada where kids ages 8 - 13 can learn art, dance, guitar (with me!) and drama. It is a bit of a challenge as a guitar teacher, I get 20 8-year-olds at a time followed by 20 9-year-olds, 20 ten-year-olds...etc. In this picture, if you look very closely, they all have picks attached to their foreheads.

We learned all the favorites...the little ones strummed fast and slow, and the best of the bunch got to play and sing some beatles and a weezer song. I helped the art teacher and some of the kids make a maze out of pinecones and rocks:

And did my best to avoid the wild horses...they're quite beautiful, but being from Shaolin, what the hell do I know about horses?

Yea for horsies!
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