I am entering a new phase in my life: monkdom. My new job as music teacher at the Tide Point Day Care and Early Education Center has begun and after working half a day I lost my voice from singing and was ready to fall over with exhaustion. That was after only a 2 1/2 shift. I can only imagine what the full day will feel like. Still, the kids are cute and my aching quadreceps (did I spell that right emi?) are proof that this very well might get me into better shape. The biggest problem is that after work the only thing my brain can handle is drinking wine and watching curb your enthusiasm, so I need to get the significant amount of my practice done at 5 in the morning. therefore, i try to be in bed by 9:30. I am lucky that I have a lovely boyfriend who is willing to put up with my crazy sleeping schedule. I look forward to auditions being done and less time spent with Manuel Maria Ponce.

i'm so sorry i have not returned your call yet. as you know, i suck. i too feel achey and angsty after being with little ones all day.
when do we get to stop working and hang out with puppies all day?
love love,
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