Tuesday, April 29, 2008

True to the name of this blog, I begin a new adventure in babydancing by officially becoming a Music Together Center Director. No longer do I have to deal with obnoxious Ukrainian ho-beasts or cheap, anal-retentive directors who secretly hate children. I work for myself. I do all the marketing, I buy all the instruments, I schedule all the make-ups and I keep every cent I make. Of course the plan is to start small; I want one class on Saturdays at the Red Canoe for six weeks, and then one week-day in the fall. I can see how things progress at the Prep...if they ever seem interested in hiring me full time I suppose I'd want to do that. Or maybe not. There is no doubt that If this were to take off it would be more profitable to buy my own damn insurance and stay part time...but the sweet convenience of having benefits from a job was so lovely. Only time will tell.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Today was supposed to be a day of great productivity. I guess in many ways it was...I finally registered for the Suzuki Festival in Colorado, sent emails I had inexplicably been putting off for weeks, and settled matters with my health insurance. Had I practiced it would have been perfect..but I was sidelined by a mysterious hangover from too much beer last night that left me with only enough strength to look at bridesmaid dresses on the internet and contemplate napping. I'll try again tomorrow

Sunday, April 20, 2008


It has begun. I am already stressed with wedding planning. Mom came down last Wednesday to help us hunt for ceremony/reception sites and after much consideration we decided on the Evergreen House Library and Museum. It fits the all of the criteria we have; its in Baltimore, allows me to have the ceremony in a magnificent garden, has the capacity we need (mostly), and the area where we'll have the reception (the carriage house) is both beautiful and air conditioned. According to the wedding guides I spend an embarrassing amount of time pouring over, it was good to take care of this now. The big day will be May 2, 2009. Here we go...

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


One week ago tonight, Andrew proposed. Mocha greeted me at the door with this note around her neck:

That led me around the house to other notes in other locations...and it ended with this note:

Then he gave me this:

And I have been walking on air ever since. Many times I've played the proposal moment in my head. I expected to cry, be nervous, or at least have butterflies...but I felt then and still feel very excited and happy. It all seems so right and so good. The more I know him, the more I love him; and I feel very lucky to have him in my life.
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